We supply:
Seed of a wide range of Australian trees and shrubs, including tropical, temperate, cold-tolerant and arid-zone species. Provenance details can be provided for many collections of eucalypts and acacias.


Grevillea banksii by Marj K. on FlickrOur Agencies.

Many customers appreciate the convenience of obtaining their seed requirements from our agencies. Advice is readily obtainable regarding aspects such as species selection for local conditions, site preparation requirements and seed availability.

Our agent in the following region will be pleased to receive your enquiries:

Hunter District – Our seeds may be obtained through Kirkwood Produce Co. Pty. Ltd., John Street, Singleton – phone (02) 6572 2766, fax (02) 6571 1799. This well-respected firm has serviced the Upper and Lower Hunter Valley since 1921. Mr. Marcus Kirkwood will be pleased to advise on the availability and supply of our range of native tree and shrub seeds, particularly those extensively used for site revegetation in the Hunter Valley.

Colour images
The colour images on this site, with the exception of the home page and banner image, were taken by Marj K. and are available on Flickr. We thank Marj K. for allowing us to reproduce them here.
